Help me fundraise for the Reach Foundation!
This March, I am embarking on the The Reach Foundation's Very Uncomfortable challenge. What am I doing? Joining TikTok.
In my 10+ years of experience with Reach, I've benefited enormously from facing into things that make me uncomfortable. Conversations, reflections, name it, Reach has pushed me to do it. So, in an effort to raise funds to ensure our incredible facilitators can continue impacting the lives of young people across Australia, I am joining TikTok.
Why? Because I don't do social media. I lasted posted on Facebook in April 2023. I don't have an Instagram account. I have Twitter/X, but I don't tweet. I do post on LinkedIn, and that's because I feel comfortable hiding behind the mask most of us wear on there....and it's a professional obligation. In other words, I only do it when I'm paid to.
So here's the go. The idea of putting something that feels personal or authentic on the internet is quite nauseating to me, and I do not want to do it. But, if you donate to Reach then I will.
- For the first 5 x $100 raised I will post about something I'm passionate about (AFL, NFL, Taylor Swift, Harry Potter....I'll work it out)
- After $600 raised I will post a 'day in the life' video
- After $750 raised I will create something with the stated intention of being funny
- If I exceed my target of $1000 raised I will learn and post a TikTok dance
If I am the highest fundraiser (yes, that means beating Garside) I will allow the highest donor to choose what I do for my final TikTok. I would love your support, so please get around me and make me do these awful things to raise money for Reach!
My Updates

Day in the life!
Wednesday 20th MarShare@ryanmcmurray03 Another feature length film from yours truly #reachvuc24
♬ vlog, chill out, calm daily life(1370843) - SUNNY HOOD STUDIO

Hawthorn players I think about strangely often..
Tuesday 19th MarShare@ryanmcmurray03 Congrats if you make it the whole way through #hawthorn #hawks #afl #newtonfaulkner #reachvuc24
♬ original sound - Ryan McMurray

A pondering...
Tuesday 19th MarShare@ryanmcmurray03 And did you get charged for map consultation time? #taxi #map #mystery #confusing #REACHVUC24
♬ original sound - Ryan McMurray

First proper TikTok is live! Very important content!
Tuesday 5th MarShare@ryanmcmurray03 #harrypotter #robbed #shannonnoll #REACHVUC24
♬ original sound - Ryan McMurray

Intro TikTok is live! First proper video coming very soon...
Wednesday 28th FebShare@ryanmcmurray03 Cannot believe I’m doing this #REACHVUC24
♬ original sound - Ryan McMurray
Thank you to my Sponsors

Geoff Mcmurray

Jacob Fisher

Michael Vulcan
Great video Ryan…. Putting yourself out there. Way to go.

Emily Serle
Can’t wait to see this dance

Mitch Brown

Love to see you do a dance 😁

Lana Ross

Tori Deutscher

Jessica De Angelis
You constantly surprise me with how you push yourself outside of your comfort zone! So proud, can’t wait to get TikTok to watch you dance xx

Lachie Banham

Jonny Pepi
Beyond inspirational, can’t wait to see those hips swing!

Bianca Harris
Go Ryan!! I love how out of your comfort zone this is!! I’m excited to follow your journey!

Kayla Russell
Hope you post the dance on linkedin, cause I don't have tiktok haha!!

Brad Lacis

Kerri Gordon
Let’s boogie.

Troy Kettle

Alishia Francis
Can’t wait to watch you nail a TikTok dance Ry xx

Adam Vorich
Can’t wait for this TikTok dance

Emma Thompson
Love your work Ryan!

Sarah Crooke

Kylo Mcmurray
May the force be with you