Here at Reach we craft transformative moments for young people, providing them with a sanctuary where they can shed the masks imposed by societal expectations.

In these spaces, they are free to explore and embrace their authentic selves, unburdened by the constraints of external judgments. Here, vulnerability is met with understanding, and individuality is celebrated with genuine warmth.

These moments are filled with laughter, tears, and revelations, allowing each young person to discover their true essence and connect deeply with others on the same journey. The Reach Foundation doesn't just offer a respite from the pressures of conformity; it cultivates a community where authenticity thrives, empowering young minds to shape their own identities and futures.

Currently there are over 4 million young people living in Australia, each year The Reach Foundation delivers transformative workshops to over 40,000 of these young people. 

No matter their upbringing, cultural background or socio-economic circumstances the mental health of every young person matters and needs to be supported.

This end of financial year, The Reach Foundation is asking you to make your tax deduction matter, a meaningful donation for meaningful moments.


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I'd like to make this donation

To give 1 young person the opportunity to attend a Heroes Day
To give 4 young people the opportunity to attend a primary school workshop
To give 9 young people the opportunity to attend a secondary school workshop
To buy a life changing secondary school workshop for 60 young people

Your Details

Payment Details


Make a meaningful moment this EOFY

  • Susan just donated $151
  • Grant just donated $63.30
  • Michelle just donated $84.40
  • Robert just donated $42.20
  • Darryl just donated $105.50
  • Tom just donated $120
  • Nitty just donated $158.25
  • Simon just donated $158.25
  • Janet just donated $42.20
  • Iain just donated $1,000
  • Erin just donated $151
  • Antony just donated $100
  • Alison just donated $211
  • Ross just donated $501
  • Amy just donated $158.25
  • Alison just donated $158.25
  • midsy just donated $110
  • Heather just donated $50
  • Syd just donated $50
  • Geoff just donated $263.75

Make Your Donation Matter

"I don't know exactly where my life would be today without Reach. They helped me through a really hard time in my life where I didn’t see a way out. I am able now to live life in a way that is true to myself, without fear."

Jana Christodoulou, 2013 Reach Participant,  2015 Reach Crew member


"We’ve learned so much from watching the facilitators, the young people have left each session more connected and it’s felt like there has been real shifts in how they speak and care for each other. We’ve loved the workshops so so much"

- School Well-being teacher

“Firstly, he had a great time at Ignite and was a bit emotional that it had finished up. He is so engaged and he has this new sense of calm . It’s so nice to see...please thank the facilitators and crew. You all do something so special. You have no idea how much he needed this"

- Participant parent

“The workshop really opened my eyes to things not just school related. I was really able to connect with everyone at school which we hardly do"

- Inc participant

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